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Home birth midwifery services in Flagstaff, AZ

Educational Packets
Labor Education Packet
Birth Announcement Consent Form
Mindful Birthing: Navigating Your Birth Preferences
Deep Pressure and Loose Bowels
The Win-Win Birth Plan by Penny Simkin
Phases and Stages of Labor pg 1, pg 2
Positions for Laboring Out of Bed
Signs of Active Labor, and How to Cope with Labor
Baths and Showers in Labor by Penny Simkin
Benefits of Water Immersion for Pregnancy, Labor and Birth
Strategies to Ease a Painful, Slow-to-Start Labor by Penny Simkin
The Take Charge Routine (for birth partners/doulas)
Guide for Birth Partners/Doulas by Penny Simkin
How Dads can Support Moms During Labor
Foods and Fluids to Consume During Labor
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